With SAP standard, invoice processing is generally labour intensive and has several inherent inefficient practises. Also, the reliance on manual data-entry tasks means that the standard system could be receiving inaccurate, miss-keyed data. FIS/fci is a technology which has been designed specifically to read invoice content automatically and includes validation checks to ensure that all data fields are feasible, complete and in arithmetic agreement.
The FIS/edc (invoice monitor) is a deeply integrated SAP ERP invoice processing solution referencing live SAP data – no modifications are required to SAP standard. The FIS/edc invoice monitor solution is fully integrated into the existing SAP environment using standard SAP GUIs but with additional functionality to assist with quicker postings on invoices.
The AP Team will still be working within a familiar SAP environment and so minimal training will be required, as users will be able to switch seamlessly from the existing SAP functions to the updated technology provided by FIS/edc.
For PO related invoices, the software will identify the reason for the invoice being parked as an exception and will highlight deviations between the invoice, PO and Receipt data – a three way match. FIS/edc provides the AP Team with an effective way of evaluating line deviations, and visually synchronises the lines on each invoice.
If you require any further information on how your SAP Accounts Payable team can benefit from FIS/edc, then please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated team.
Phone: 01484 505731 | Email: info@fisuk.co.uk